26.. the Year to Burn Brighter than the Sun

Every year for the past 3 years, I have written a birthday blog (sorry this one is about a month-ish late) and  . ..and every year I say that it has been the birthday yet.

Me, Zach, Annie, David and Kendall
Photo by Ryan Hambley.

26.  That’s no longer early twenties but dare I say, late ROARING twenties? 😉 I freaked out but two weeks before my birthday I had the realization that it’s only gotten better and it will continue to get better. BRING IT ON!!! The pain, heartbreak and disappointments of the past have been worth the joy, love and life I get to experience now.
I just don’t know if anything can ever top my 26th birthday. This year’s celebration was freaking incredible.

Tex-Mex Feast B-day Group!

My birthday consisted of a tex-mex feast. “Roaring Twenties because I’m in my roaring twenties” party. love. photo shoot. beautiful cake. laughs. dance party. incredible people. PRICELESS. I had soooo much fun.

my Beautiful Birthday Cake by Anne Kathleen Cakes..Atlanta’s Premier Baker

My best friends with an exception of a couple came. It was so awesome to have friends from college, G42, The World Race and my Atlanta friends all hanging out and just be.

“oooh, is it broke?” Me and the boys.

It was a glimpse of heaven. The best people I know in a room dancing, loving, laughing, just living…. and dressed up in 1920’s glamour? ABSOLUTELY. Only thing missing was my Maori man or Gerard Butler.  😉 kidding… slightly.

The Dutty Wine with Kendall

I’ve been 26 for a little bit more than a month now and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wept joyful tears because of the life I get to live. I celebrated my birthday around Easter time and Easter meant more to me this year than it ever has. He died so that I could live. He died so that we could experience love. That LOVE, HIS LOVE is the reason why I do what I do, I am who he says I am and why frankly, I am here.
“We are young..So let’s set the world on fire.. We can burn brighter than the sun.”  -Fun.

half laughing. half crying.

So here’s to 26. Here’s to being older but feeling younger than I ever had. Here’s to what’s to come. HERE’S TO LOVE. Here’s to all the beautiful people who showered me with love and made me feel so special.  You burn brighter than the sun. You radiate love. thank you for loving me. love love love you.

Happy 65th Birthday Dad!

Dad and Mom at my brother's wedding!

Couple months ago I wrote a blog about my mom for Mother’s Day… since then I was really excited to be able to do one about my dad too.

My dad’s 65th birthday was on December 22. I know it’s a bit late but I figure it’s never too late to let the world know of an incredible man and celebrate his life.

Meet my dad, Orlando G. Euperio. better known as Orly.

Dad was born in the Philippines, the eldest of seven. Because of that, Dad took on a lot of responsibility to take care of the family and has that natural ability to take care of others.

My dad has a heart unlike any other. He’s the type of man that if a person asks for $10, he’ll find a way to give you $20 even if that means digging up change in his coin bank. He keeps on giving.

Uncle Rey and Dad!

Dad walks into a room and commands attention. It has nothing to do with volume but because he has a presence of a King and a warrior; he walks with courage, strength and respect.

He has the inner strength of one hundred men.

He’s one of my biggest fans. He has read every single one of my blogs and while I was on the Race used to write me at least once a week if not more.

When dad sees any kind of fabulous stilettos, he asks if those are the kind of shoes that I would like to make one day. He always believes in me.

My dad has a love for (sometimes awful) action movies that star Steven Seagal or Chuck Norris but some of my favorite times is when we watch them on the couch and nothing is said. I always leave feeling like it was the best conversation ever.

He’s isn’t a man of many words but when he speaks… it comes with a boom and and an explosion. Whatever he says stays with you.

My dad is an encourager, healer and prophetic.

I love when Dad laughs!!!

It’s interesting how they say that sometimes your earthly father is a reflection of your view of our heavenly Father. As my relationship with my Heavenly father changed so has the relationship with my earthly dad.

My dad is my buddy, my pal, someone who is always there to listen to me and encourage but just filled with lots of love.

It is an incredible blessing to know that I have an earthly Dad that loves me so much but then to think I have a heavenly Father who loves me and him even more. Beautiful.

Happy 65th Birthday Dad. I hope you have 65 more! I wish for all your dreams to continue to keep on coming true. Thank you for being my inspiration and encouragement. Love you.

Little Girl, I say to you, GET UP

Last night,  I cried myself to sleep. I laid in bed and sang an old song we used to sing in youth group, “And I- I’m desperate for you… and I- I’m lost without you.” Over and over until I fell asleep. I couldn’t remember any other words but it seemed appropriate.

These past 5 months back in Mesquite (back from Spain, but a year since the World Race) have been interesting. I have been trying to do everything on my own and I have been living circumstantially, apathetic and anxious for the next step.

The Israelites that were in the desert for 40 years lived circumstantially. They named each place they stopped at according to their circumstances. Marah, for example means bitter. The water was bitter which made them question God and his provision. ( I would recommend to look up the meaning of each place. It’s interesting to see what they named the places… or I can give you my copy.)

My journey here at home has been filled with places of beauty, bounty, scarcity, bitterness, shamefulness, lustful desire, joy, angriness, etc. Though their journey was thousands of years ago, I’ve been wandering in my own dessert.

Most people know that I battled bulimia and that my self- esteem and confidence had been a façade.  It was my way of not letting people in and thinking I was okay-until recently.

Going on the Race, I saw, felt and heard God in ways that I had never imagined possible. In turn, I learned who I was and supposed to be. I experienced a lot of freedom in this and began seeing myself the way God sees me. Jonathan David Helser hits it right on, “I’ve seen I AM and now I know who I am.”

These past couple months I’ve opted for everything but Him. I started listening to lies of not being good enough rather than listening to God’s voice. To drown out my sorrows and my self-pity, I ate. I got back into this cycle of eating my emotions away and turning to food instead of God. Thankfully, I never purged but the thought was always lingering around.

Sweet little Patience.

That carried onto other things. I started being closed off and wouldn’t let anyone in.  I felt alone but didn’t want to admit it. I was embarrassed to find the weight that I lost on the Race come back and with a vengeance.  I was indulging in anything that would give me temporary happiness except for the one that could give me joy.

I had a dream last night of Pastor Joseph’s (from Kenya) little girl, Patience. In the dream, I was searching for Patience the entire time. When I found her- I was filled with joy, love and peace.

Since coming home, I’ve been asking God to take me or lead me anywhere but here. Although, leaving Spain, I knew that the there were reasons that I needed to be home… 5 months into it, I’m finally starting to see what those reasons were.

I am moving to Georgia in January but I know that if I keep on seeking him and have Patience for this season that I will be filled with peace, love and joy.

The Israelites wandered for 40 years because their hearts were in the wrong place. They were too focused on what was in front of them rather than the inheritance, greatness and ‘milk & honey’ that laid ahead. Their 40 year journey was only supposed to take 2 weeks.

I’m sure that the lessons I’m learning could have been learned in less time, but I let my flesh do the thinking and that is always a bad, bad, bad idea.

This entire day, I kept on hearing God say,, “TALITHA KOUM!”

“Then He took the child by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which is translated, “Little girl, I say to you, GET UP!” ) -Mark 5:41

I love how Abba lovingly disciplines us. I love that what people thought was death, he knew was asleep and needed to be AWAKENED. God never left me. I left Him. I choose to close my senses to Him. He patiently stood by and waited and in his loving grace said, “GET UP.”

Like Rafiki from Lion King says, IT IS TIME! It is time to refocus my eyes on the prize. It is time see the land of greatness. It is time to remember HIS LOVE and HIS PROMISES.

Unlike the Israelites, I will reach my destiny. I am claiming my inheritance. It is mine.

I need to stop looking back, stop crossing into the past and walk forward. I need to stop being a girl and become the woman I am meant to be.

And that woman… God says is a fearless, fierce, confident, joyful light… who is not circumstantial.

Gloria in All Her Glory

I mentioned in a previous blog that I am currently in Mesquite, TX and that I am nannying for an 8 month old and then taking care of an older woman… 68 to be exact.

Gloria is a diabetic and has had a couple of bypass surgeries.  I go to her house three times a week and I make breakfast (usually eggs, toast and oatmeal) and then I help her shower.
The very first day I was there she asked me to do the dishes and then later help her shower.
Well, as I was doing the dishes, I turned around to see Gloria in all her glory, completely stripped down to nothing with her arms wide open while she yelled, “I’m ready!”
I turned beat red but she didn’t care at all. She then proceeded to walk to the bathroom naked with her walker. I couldn’t help but laugh my head off.
I have only worked with Gloria for 3 weeks but there are some things that I have learned or have been reminded of from this wise, beautiful elderly woman.
1. FREEDOM.  Bahahah my first thought was I can’t wait to be that age where I can completely be free in whom I want to be and do what I want and not care. Then it dawned on me… I am living it and I was so thankful and blessed for that reminder. I mean I am not running around naked everywhere I go-nor do I think that will ever happen (you could possibly find me when I’m old and gray in a gold sequins bikini like the old ladies in Spain) but to just be in a place of knowing your identity doesn’t come from your environment or people… thank you Jesus.
2.LOVE. God is love. We were born to be loved. It is in our nature to be with people. No one was meant to be absolutely alone. I have noticed that she has given me less tasks so that I can just sit and talk with her.  I guess this also goes with the importance of COMMUNITY.
3.FRIENDSHIP. I was only supposed to take care of her for 2 weeks and then I was supposed to start nannying the 8 month old because the times would have conflicted.  I gave her options to go with other people but she said she wanted to stay with me… even if that meant she would have to wake up 3 hours earlier than her normal time. Those 2 weeks she barely talked to me so I thought she would be eager to get someone new. And she said, “No I’ll stick with you because you know how to butter my toast.” I guess you never know how a simple gesture or just being can help.
4.AGE. Hmm… one day I’ll be old and everything will sag… interesting… not so invincible. Haha but that’s just physical. My spirit can stay as young as it wants! 😉
I love old people. I love the stories and experience they share. The elderly inspire me to live boldly, be adventurous and full of life so that one day my stories will inspire the next generation to live just as boldly if not more and change the world.

I See the Almond Tree…

Hello Beautiful People!! I have been putting off blogging in hopes to come up with something profound and deep and wow everyone with my words and wisdom… but i have nothing quite yet… so here is my heart.
It has been about since 8 months since I returned from the World Race. It has been 1 month since I have returned from G42.

Both experiences have radically changed me and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am thankful and blessed for the experiences and people that I have been able to meet along the way.

So pre-World Race what was I doing? Well since you asked… my jobs included being an after school teacher for inner city kids, an assistant matchmaker, bra specialist at Victoria’s Secret, bridal consultant and the one that makes everyone laugh the most… A DEBT COLLECTOR. Unfortunately, I was the worst debt collector known to man because I was probably the nicest one ever. hahah

After the race, I went to G42 Leadership Academy. It was the beginning phases of starting my own ministry and it was a time of intense but beautiful and loving community and discipleship. The Race allowed me to get rid of my junk to find out who I am while G42 allowed me to really settle into being the woman I am destined to be.

So after all these amazing experiences of love, community, fighting human trafficking, saving orphans, building homes- where am I at now? Does one go back to being a debt collector and to a random slew of jobs?

No- but I am in good ole’ MESQUITE, TX! I find that in the past two years I have learned who I am in completely different parts of the world and now I am learning to still be that woman right here where I grew up. This place is my past.  It makes it just a tad bit harder because I don’t have people who are constantly speaking life and being of encouragement. I am not surrounded by people who slightly get me.But I have a Daddy who gave me life and bursts forth his love daily.  I have to choose HIM. It is no longer the environment. I am not completely immersed in it 24/7.

It can be lonely and sometimes it sucks to think that a year ago I was in a Ugandan jungle speaking at a wedding or just a couple of months ago-prophesying overlooking the coast and seeing Morocco….
But I know that I am NOT circumstantial. I am a child of God. I am his royal daughter. I am not defined by what happens around me. I am a joyful person because I have a God who deeply and personally loves and chooses me not only daily but every single second..

This is not a survival period. I am not just living this next phase and flying by in Mesquite so I can go back to Spain for 3 months and intern with a shoe designer. No this period is vital. Sink or swim. I’m diving into the Lord. This is the period where things start becoming reality.

This is the research/gain knowledge period. This is design/sketching shoes become like breathing. This is the work hard to pay off some bills phase (I’m a nanny and a caregiver for old people- haha different blog on that later.) This is seeing the beauty amidst the dry and barren times. This is seeing and being a light in the darkness. This is knowing that greatness is coming. This is me seeing the almond tree.

 Jeremiah 1: 9-11-Then the LORD reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, “I have put my words in your mouth. See, today I appoint you over nations and kingdoms to uproot and tear down, to destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant.” The word of the LORD came to me: “What do you see, Jeremiah?”  I replied, “I see the branch of an almond tree.”

The Peacock

Peacocks are extradorinary animals.

They are unlike any creature I have ever seen.

They are beautiful.

They are bold.

They are unique.

They’re birds… which means I am sure they can be silly animals at times.

In India, they are a symbol of beauty, prosperity, royalty, love, compassion, soul and peace.

Early belief held that the Gates of Paradise are guarded by a pair of peacocks.

The peacock naturally replaces his feathers annually, so the peacock is also a symbol of renewal.

The peacock has the ability to eat poisonous snakes and plants without harm and so are also a symbol of being incorruptible.

“Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: ‘Holy, holy, holy,  is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come.”’
-Revelation 4:8

………I like to think that the eyes were pure diamonds and were like blingy angels… or more so of recent had eyes all over like peacock feathers…

Peacock Sources:
Meaning of Symbols


'Let your Light Shine' in Thai based on Matthew 5:16, "Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."

I believe that words have power. That the words we speak can call out a destiny. John the Baptist prophesied and spoke out the greatness of Jesus, “After me will come one more powerful than I, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie…” 

Words can help launch you to become the person you were destined to be and they can also be the chain or the stronghold that prevents you from walking into that destiny. God wants to give you Glory while Satan can only bring you down with words. Don’t listen to the lies!

Remember that you are a holy, chosen child of God. You are created in HIS Reflection. You are the only thing on this Earth that resembles God the father. Walk in confidence and in His love.


'My Feet Follow in His Steps' -Job 23:11, "My feet have closely followed his steps.." After all that Job went through, he still knew God was so good.

Some recent words that have been spoken over me: brave, bold, warrior, fighter, new life, guardian, God’s beauty, unique, noble.

I think my favorite thing about the peacock is that it can eat poisonous snakes and plants and it doesn’t die! It does not affect them.

I know where I am going. I know my purpose in life. I know that there are things in the fashion/entertainment industry or even in life that should affect me, bring me down or kill me…. but it won’t. Because I am a child of God. 🙂

With that said:

Happy 25th Birthday to me! It's a declaration of new life and some words that have encouraged me to be who I am. 🙂

I Get it From my Momma…

Me and Mom... This was TCU Homecoming 2007.. wow long time ago.

Lena Suarez Euperio.

Awww that’s my mommy. I love her. She is a beautiful woman who has 3 children, 2 in laws and 1 grandchild.

She’s lived through poverty and has overcome that lifestyle.

She’s a shining light.

She immediately walks into the room and everyone notices her.

She has a way of loving and caring for others that is almost unreal.

Her heart is for people.

I see pictures of my mom at my age now and I find that I am starting to look more and more like her. Kinda creepy but I love it.

The older that I get the more that I find I am my mother’s daughter.  She is bold, she is loud, she is beautiful. She has a smile that radiates warmth and love.

Here’s to a mom who never gives up on me, always supports me through my crazy ideas and antics and only hopes for the complete best for my life. Here’s to a mom who listened to the Voice and walked out in trust knowing that this baby had destiny.

I love my mom (and Dad and I will write a separate blog when it’s his day!!! but for now….)!  Happy Mother’s Day!

Dad and Mom at Kuya's wedding! Super Fun! Super Excited!

Shoe Revolt

Hey Beautiful people! So I am one of the newest blog writers for Shoe Revolt! I am so excited! It is an organization that collects gently used shoes, resells them and all the money that comes in goes toward different anti-trafficking groups and safe homes for women!

Just to let you know my blog comes out every Tuesday and you can check that out at http://www.shoerevolt.com/shoe-revolt-voiceandsole/

I love it because it involves 2 of my passions combining together. They have asked me to write weekly blogs about fashion, human trafficking or shoes! The other women that write are so great and they know their fashion tips. I was a bit intimidated at first because fashion is not one of my strengths…

but then it dawned on me….

I am in Spain. I am in Spain with a reason and I am here meeting different women in Guadalhorce. I am meeting women who feel that the only way they can make a living is by selling themselves to desperate men. Their story needs to be heard. I am sent to be a voice for them. Don’t get me wrong. I love fashion. I love the different ways that one can express themselves through it. There’s freedom in it, but I hope to see  real freedom brought to these women’s lives.

Check out Shoe Revolt and check out my blogs every Tuesday! 🙂

My 25th Birthday

25… It just sounds so much older than 24… I am a quarter of a century old… I am half of 50. I am excited though. I know that it can only get better. I like looking into the mirror and I don’t look so young anymore. Don’t get me wrong… those asian genes… make me look a little bit younger but I am not 12 anymore.

The day started off with Megan and the rest of my house making me French Toast. Followed by an afternoon at the beach and eating a ridiculous amount of gummy candies, Doritos and a diet coke…somehow my taste buds switched to a 7-year-olds again.

That night was a grand celebration!!! We went to a Chinese/Thai restaurant, followed by a pub and then some dancing to top it off.

I laughed a lot.

I laughed when a 16-year old told me that I looked good for being so old.

I laughed when we formed our middle school dance circle and people would go in the middle and get cheered on.

I laughed when I decided to eat French fries with my Chinese food that night.

I laughed when Maryanne gave me some cookies called, “Filipinos”… They were shortbreads covered in chocolate!

I laughed when I woke up and Annie surprised me with gummies and chocolate croissants.

I laughed when Brit

tany bought me an inner tube for the beach.

I laughed when they sang “happy birthday” at least 3 times….

I laughed a lot that day. I laugh a lot. I laugh a lot everyday. It’s one of my favorite things to do..

Hands down, this was one of the best birthdays ever… It was just a day that actually felt like my birthday. I had a blast. I love the people that are here. I love the joy that this group exudes. All in all, it was filled with fun, laughter, joy and love.. Everything I wanted. 🙂

Some more pics from Birthday night!



The Women: Denisa

There’s a train stop to Guadalhorce and I can’t help but slightly wonder what do people think of when they see us get off this stop…

After exiting the train station, one can choose the left or the right.  LEFT-are where mainly Romanian and some other women from different countries have staked their ground while the Nigerian women have claimed the RIGHT side as their territory.

Denisa can be found to the left by the first round about.

She is Romanian with dirty-blonde medium length hair. She wears a leopard cardigan with a black mini-skirt and some ankle high stiletto boots.

She is part of a trio of Romanian women approach me and ask us to leave saying that this is their life, they have to do this, they don’t care what we have to say but they don’t want us here.

Joyce without hesitating kept on yelling, “Jesus Christos amas mucho.” Jesus loves you.

Denisa was a little bit more receptive than the other two and said (in Spanish), “If Jesus really loved us, why would be here?”

I let the language barrier get to me and I didn’t know what to say…. Another reason for me to be practicing my Spanish more….

Denisa sat on the curb to smoke her cigarette. She answered some questions about family and home and after 5 minutes said dejectedly, “Why?”

Denisa and other women I have met are the reason I do what I do.  I want people to know that they are loved and even if they don’t believe it–there are people fighting for them.

This isn’t easy. I don’t become best friends with every woman that I meet. There is a lot of darkness in the lives of these women and in Guadalhorce… but the truth is that my God is bigger, brighter and mightier than anything  out there.

..one day she will know her worth…

…one day she will have a job that she actually wants to work…

…one day these women will completely be free of this life…

With that said…. I still need to raise support to continue my ministry here at G42. If you believe in the ministry that I am doing here and the ministry calling that I have on my life please donate here. I need $3,008 left in my support account or I will have to go back home. Please consider partnering with me in this ministry and helping me tell women their worth and bringing Hope to the Hopeless.